The Ideal Places in Your Home to Install a Rectangular Hot Tub Spa
There is an instinctual logic to home design, kind of a sense of what belongs where which is intrinsic to many of us. I mean, think about it – have you ever been to a house that has a dishwasher in the bedroom or a toilet in the kitchen? No, right? This leads to my point – when you have set your heart and mind on buying a hot tub spa, it is of the essence to choose the ideal place for it in your home to make the most out of it. So yes, location, location, location! I could not stress more the importance of this factor. Sure, comfort and practicality are important things to keep in mind, but that’s not all.
The Convenience Factor
Although your rectangular hot tub spa can be installed pretty much anywhere, if you have a pool, it makes perfect sense to install it nearby. Once the weather gets colder, you will appreciate the short walk it takes to get from the pool into your hot tub. This location is also perfect from an electricity and plumbing standpoint. And don’t forget the trip from the tub to your house – especially during night or winter. A long trip from the tub to the house seems even longer when you are dripping and the weather is freezing, so yes, consider the nearest entrance to your house and place it strategically.
Shade, Sun and Weather
Before buying a rectangular hot tub spa for your home, it is smart to consider the weather conditions of the area where you live. Ideally, it should be placed in a spot that faces southwest in order to use the maximum amount of daylight hours. If you live in a desert region, however, place your hot tub on the northeast side of your yard, as that way it will bring relief from the sun even during the colder winter months. Furthermore, consider wind. Too much of it can make sitting on the edges of a hot tub spa unbearable and uncomfortable, while too little of it can leave everyone unexpectedly overheated and make the area stagnant and uncomfortable to enjoy. To lessen the intensity of a windy location, consider a cover or a fence.
How do you spend your time in your hot tub spa is entirely your business, which is why most people don’t want it situated in a spot that is in full or even partial view of their neighbors. So, if you are surrounded by two-story houses, your noisy neighbors can easily look down and intrude your privacy. Keep this in mind when looking for the ideal spot in your yard. If complete privacy is what you are looking for, consider putting your spa in a gazebo-like structure that has curtains that can be closed or open.