The Ideal Outdoor Wall Lighting Solutions for Different Home Styles
Having your outdoor space lit well, lit sufficiently, and lit in a proper way is something every homeowner should prioritize due to their safety and their home’s curb appeal. Just as you make sure that your dining room or bedrooms have good lighting, you should also ensure your yard and garden are properly lit too. Depending on what type of home you have, there are different lighting solutions, so if you want to match the light to the look – keep reading.
The Best Lighting For the Modern Home

Easy on the eyes, modern houses are great to look at and great to live in. Their sleek design, glass and wooden elements, the space they provide, and their smart and eco-friendly materials make them a staple architectural build many people find extremely appealing. If you’re the owner of such a space, you may feel like your outdoor lighting options are somewhat limited in terms of keeping the vibe and look of the house unified, but that’s really not the case. Modern, or minimal, is a style that allows a lot to be included, so let’s go over your options.
First things first, let’s look at the colour. For this part, you’ll want to make sure that your external wall lights either fall in neatly with your already-established colour pattern or break it in a fitting way. Whenever minimalism or a modern build is in question, I like to say that a unified contrast is the way to go, so keep this in mind when picking the colour.
As for the style, you have a lot of options. When looking for outdoor wall lights, make sure you buy quality-made wall lights outdoor models as these are the only ones that offer great diversity in this department. From modern twists on the classic lantern to glass sconces with a sleek, round design, everything is fair game. Make sure to put LED bulbs in your outdoor wall lights to round up that look and eco-friendliness.
Vintage Exteriors

The vintage-themed house is an easy one. Allowing for much more to happen than the modern one does, it represents versatility in its finest form, pairing it with style and resulting in a look that’s both eye-catching and functional. When it comes to exterior wall lights, this diversity is still going strong and your options are extremely open.
Regarding colour, you can choose whichever one you think works best with the exterior of your house. For example, if the modern house allows for black, white, or metal-coloured items, your vintage-themed home is much more relaxed, so you can get away with much more. These three options still stand, but so do copper, silver, gold, bronze, and many other ones that are in the heart of the vintage style and will round your exterior up nicely.
As for the shape of your wall lights outdoor, you can go for traditional, industrial, Victorian, and many more, though these three are the ones I feel would suit your house best. They all feature intricate details, impeccable design, and express love for times long past, so you won’t make a mistake by choosing whichever. Still, you don’t have to limit yourself to only these three. If there are contemporary wall lights that you fancy, you can get those, as long as they match. Vintage is a style that can support a lot, so there is virtually no space for mistakes.
Colonial Designs

I picked colonial as the final category because it’s a mix of both modern and vintage with its own little intricacies and a timelessness that’s hard to miss. Colonial houses have been around for quite a bit, they’re big and fancy like modern houses, but they still express and share that love for the times that were. You can say they’re a perfect mix.
The colonial house is used here as a representation of everything that’s between modern and vintage as two polarities, two complete opposites of one another. While the modern house follows rules the vintage one is open to interpretation and this places the colonial one right in the middle of everything.
I feel like many homeowners will recognize their house is this type, even if it doesn’t follow it to the T. The options for outdoor wall lighting are a mix for this house just as it is a mix between vintage and modern. The colonial house can handle intricacies and rich details, but not to the extent the vintage one can. It can also handle simplicity, but not a futuristic-like one as the modern house can.
That’s why, for this type of house, I’d recommend you go with either industrial or traditional and try to avoid Victorian and contemporary exterior wall lighting options. As for the colours, that depends on the colour scheme you already have, so try not to step out too far from it. Things in natural metal colours will work great and so will simple colours like white or brown.