Snacks for Puppies – the Ideal Way to Reward Your Furry Friend
Whether your dog has behaved particularly well or learned a new skill, treats are a great way to reward your furry friend. And of course, if you are training a puppy, treats are essential to reinforce the things you teach him. But while treats may be a wonderful way to reward, your dog doesn’t need one every time you want to show him how much you love him. Because Just like us, dogs also love snacks – and just like us, they too can end up consuming too many calories from treats.
According to veterinarians, if we are not careful, snacks can add a substantial amount of calories to a dog’s otherwise normal, healthy diet. The snacks for puppies and older dogs should only make up 10% of their daily calory intake. To get a better idea of how many treats to give to your dog, talk to your vet first. Based on your dog’s weight, the treats he likes, and how active he is, your vet will be able to recommend the right amount. Quality is just as important as quantity. To ensure you give your pet the best treats only, here is what you will need to pay attention to.
High-Quality Ingredients
When buying snacks for puppies or older dogs, make sure you get something your furry friend will like and is appropriate for him. For that purpose, follow the same common sense rules you use when shopping for your family. Read the ingredients list first – if you can’t recognize or can’t pronounce the names on it, it might not be the best choice for your pet.
Natural Treats
If you are a pet owner who understands the importance of rewards that are both healthy and tasty, then you will want to choose natural dog treats for your pet. These contain ingredients derived from natural sources and most importantly – free from chemicals, artificial additives, and preservatives. Natural treats are often a combination of good quality meats, vegetables, and gentle grains and they are prepared and packaged in compliance with national regulations to ensure that your dog can enjoy his treats with no adverse after-effects.
Beneficial Treats
Some treats are created to offer extra benefits for your dog including healthier joints, coats and mouths. Things like antlers and yak milk blocks can help keep your dog’s teeth clean while also freshening his breath. Know that high-quality dog treats will be more nutritionally beneficial to your dog and this can make it easier to control how much he eats.
Keep in mind that human treats are not always good for dogs. Your dog may like the beef tendons or chocolate bonbon you give him, but these things may actually make him sick. There are many things that we eat that dogs are allergic to or literally can’t stomach. Also, remember that snacks for puppies and dogs are a form of affection. This means they should be given at the right time and for the right reason.