Modern Design: What Makes it The Ideal Choice?

Though nothing new, we still can’t get enough of modern design. Is it difficult to see why? Stripped of all the unnecessary ornaments, featuring clean straight lines, focusing on more use of natural light and natural elements, as well as open spaces, less walls, and spiced with the “less is more” motto, it makes for more functional interiors, clutter free. Beautiful to look at, easy to clean!

While minimalism may not be desired by everyone, it’s also not to be feared because modern, though minimal, still has aesthetic value. You can get the perfect mix of creative and functional modern house furniture design, and if you happen to come across shops and designers that combine both, you would see how sophisticated modern interiors can be.

Whether it’s a designer piece you’re looking for, or something customised, there’s a bit of something for everyone in modern house furniture design, and that’s what makes it the ideal choice: it’s impossible not to get to like it. You can easily get the chance to surround yourself with nature by introducing more of the natural materials, starting from wood.

Wood can be added anywhere, be it the elegant hardwood floor, the timeless hardwood dining table and chairs set, coffee table, bookcase, or entertaining unit. What’s great about wood, apart from the immediate sense of warmth it brings about, is how easily it can be combined with other materials such as glass, plastic, steel, and concrete. This shows why modern doesn’t coincide with the image of cold and stale despite the opinion of some critics.

You have the freedom to pair up your wooden furniture pieces with any of the mentioned materials and get a unique blend of your own. For instance, a wooden coffee table goes well with plastic chairs in Scandinavian design, and decorated with glass vases or candleholders, sticking to a clean look. As a final touch, and one you can’t go wrong with, is the addition of plants. Greenery makes for a lively interior.

Along with the natural light thanks to large windows, mirrors, and reflective floors, you can still add more warmth with the help of pops of colour. Modern allows you to express yourself with colour too, it’s not just the greys and browns that are welcome. This can be done with some textures, in the form of blinds, carpets, and cushions, or with artworks, and this can be anything, from photographs, to paintings, sculptures, or something with personal value, like kids drawings.