How to Create the Ideal Atmosphere in Your Garden with Bollard Lights

Landscaping a garden with lights can add a beautiful and functional element to your outdoor space. One popular way to do this is by using bollards. Why does your garden needs them? And more importantly, how can you use them to create a beautiful garden? Let’s look into the answers to these significant questions, starting with:

What Is a Bollard Light?

Bollard lights

Bollard lighting is a type of outdoor lighting in the form of a vertical post. Despite their apparent focus on utility, choosing on-trend bollard lights can also bring flair to your outdoor area. These lights are a common approach to illuminate driveways or paths since they may also serve as a barrier by indicating the end of a road or route. Most have an intended outdoor use as they can endure outside elements and wet weather.

Benefits of Installing Bollard Lights

Installing them is a fantastic option for any outdoor area, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. Here are some of the critical advantages of bollards and how they can enhance the look and feel of your outdoor space.

Increase Safety and Security

Bollard Lighting

First and foremost, they provide functional lighting that can help increase the safety and security of your outdoor area. Most people typically install them along walkways, driveways, and paths as they can illuminate these areas and make them safer for pedestrians and vehicles. That’s especially important in areas with low visibility, such as gardens and parks, where they can help prevent accidents and injuries.

Help Lightscape Any Outdoor Area

Bollard Lights

Bollard is also a stylish and attractive lighting choice that can enhance your outdoor’s area overall look and feel. They come in various designs and styles, from traditional to modern, and can suit the aesthetic of your outdoor space, whatever the style. You can use them to highlight landscaping features, such as trees, gardens, and water elements, and help create a sense of drama and ambience in your outdoor area.

Energy-Efficient and Long-Lasting Option

Another great benefit of bollard lights is that they are energy-efficient and long-lasting. Many use LED technology, known for their energy efficiency and longevity. That means you’ll enjoy the benefits of these lights for many years without worrying about frequent replacements or high energy bills.

Easy to Install and Maintain

In addition to these benefits, they’re also easy to install and maintain. They typically come in a pre-assembled form and can be installed on various surfaces, such as concrete, asphalt, or soil. They’re also low-maintenance, with most requiring occasional cleaning only to keep them looking their best.

What Are Some Considerations for Installing Bollard Lights?

Power Supply

LED bollard lights

The power is the basis of the lights, as you can’t light them up without it. You must bury electric wires into the ground before installing these lights to supply electricity later. However, since solar options don’t need wiring, they’re the exception to this rule.

So, one crucial consideration is ensuring the installation location can provide power. You could install the solar one if you don’t. Another alternative for a more uncomplicated installation is a low-voltage bollard light. Low voltage (12 V) bollard light wiring is more straightforward than high voltage wiring when it comes to exterior lighting. Additionally, licensed contractors rather than electricians can install low-voltage lights.

Premium Materials

Choose sturdy and long-lasting materials when picking bollard lighting for your garden because they’re essential for controlling traffic, preventing accidents, and facilitating safety. Additionally, pick bollard garden lights that are waterproof, corrosion-resistant, and impact-resistant because of the harsh environment, which includes high temperatures, constant rain, and direct sunshine.

Go for extruded metal and coating options, as the durable material and unique coating prevent corrosion and do not easily deform in the rain and sun. Also, use vandal-resistant screws to secure the bollard light’s head. Moreover, to avoid water seepage and pooling, screw holes ought to be positioned opposite the top.


Outdoor Bollard Lights

Specific applications affect the height and spacing of the lights. In general, higher mounting height illuminates lower levels and extends the reach of the posts. Wider spacing will be more suitable for fixtures with higher mounting heights. However, a shorter mounting necessitates a closer distance between the lighting fixtures. Most of these light fixtures typically come in three measurements: 20 cm, 50 cm, and 90 cm.

Perfect Placement

Closer spacing requirements, such as 3 m, apply to commercial outdoor areas and sidewalks. While urban parks should have a proper spacing of approximately 4.5 m, the spaces for leisure and relaxation should have a wider spacing. However, at the end of the day, the spacing of the lighting bollards for your home garden will depend on their placement and use, so it’s up to you and your personal needs.

A rule of thumb is that the distance between this type of lights should be between 2.5 m and 4 m apart to give uniform lighting without glare. Put them in a straight line along your driveway or walkway, or arrange them in a zigzag pattern for a less conventional appearance.

Outdoor lighting bollards are ideal for simultaneously lighting pathways and flowerbeds since they produce 360-degree illumination. If that’s the perfect option for your garden, you could create balance by mounting the lights on either side of the pathway. However, be careful not to over-light the area because this would make it feel stark rather than subtle. In this case, a more spaced zigzag placement might be beneficial.