Haircare is the New Skincare: The Ideal Ways to Handle Combination Hair

When it comes to hair care, things are pretty much general as most products in supermarkets are mainly categorised into ones meant for strictly dry or oily hair. This leaves people with combination hair with not much to do but choose a product that’s not entirely appropriate for their oily roots and brittle ends. If you are a member of that club and have realized that traditional shampoos and conditioners don’t help you out in any way, we’ve got you covered!

Switch to Natural Shampoo

Luckily, now that organic alternatives have turned into so much more than just a trend, natural haircare has made it possible to find solutions such as natural shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair, perfect for people struggling with combination type of mane. Having in mind that nature already provides us with what is needed for nourishing and protecting our hair and scalp, this transition from conventional products is ideal when getting rid of harmful chemicals from one’s daily life. Unlike the shampoos we’re used to using, natural ones don’t contain toxins like the sulphates responsible for the lather that dries the scalp and hair when cleaning it, stripping them off their natural oils.

Instead, they are infused with ingredients such as essential oils, like some natural skincare products, which are helpful with cleansing and removing impurities while balancing the excess sebum without drying. It’s safe to say this type of shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair is gentler on the natural oils and won’t result in colour fading.

Tip: It’s important to know how to use these products properly. Focus on the roots and lather them up instead of the whole hair, as this will prevent the stripping of the oils that are necessary for keeping the hair soft. The shampoo will drip to the rest of the hair before you rinse, and you’ll get an outstanding result.

Don’t Forget the Conditioner

Introducing a moisturising conditioner into one’s haircare can bring various benefits, even when you’ve got natural shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair that’s meant to nourish as much as it cleans. When shampooing the hair, you lift the cuticles, and the organic conditioners help seal them providing them with the needed vitamins and moisture. That way your hair becomes stronger and it doesn’t get tangled that easy.

Tip: Individuals with greasy roots should avoid applying conditioner on them. Instead, they should focus on the mid-shaft and ends. Allow it to sit for a couple of minutes, then gently comb through the ends and work your way up, and finish by rinsing.

Additional Products

Just because you have combination hair that doesn’t mean you can’t use masks or hydrating oils. The key lies in finding the right masks and create your own combos. When you shower or bathe, apply one on the oily roots and the other on the dry ends, or you can opt for a few drops of hydrating oil for the ends to help lock in the hair’s moisture.

Tip: If you want to take matters into your hands, you can make some homemade masks with ingredients you have in your kitchen.

Coconut Oil

You can take some coconut oil and apply it on your hair before shampooing it. While it may sound like you should steer clear from oil, particularly with the roots, it’s good to know that coconut is actually helpful with lifting the oils from the skin while nourishing the ends. Plus, it has antibacterial properties that protect the skin from irritations and infections.

Cleanse the Roots, Nourish the Ends

Another great solution straight from the kitchen is making yourself a mask for the roots using only honey, and another for the ends using argan oil. Not only would you get clean luxurious mane, but you’d also get that much-wanted shine too!

Cut Down on the Styling

We get it, you like to change your looks every so often, and besides having fun with outfits you also like to experiment with your hair; straight mane one day, curly the next. As it happens, though, frequent styling can add to the hair’s greasiness, and can easily damage it, especially if you don’t use heat protectants. Also, forget about playing with your hair, running your hands through it, even if you’re particularly fond of cafuné as this stimulates the oil glands to produce more oil.



Get in the Habit of Brushing

Pick out your favourite ball pointed tip brush and brush away! The reason to do so has to do with the fact that brushing distributes the oils from the scalp to the ends, which is essential for hydrating your hair naturally. On the plus side, it’s bound to assist with the removal of buildup and impurities, and can even promote hair growth. After you’re done, don’t forget to clean it up well so it’s good as new for your next brushing.