Climbers Plants – the Ideal Way to Add Beauty in Its Rawest Form

Even the savviest of home gardeners can struggle to add a dose of serenity in their basically pocket-size gardens that the lifestyle of the 21st century has left many of us with, making every centimetre of outdoor space precious. This is where wall shrubs and climbers plants come to play as they give gardens a wealth of colour, form and texture. But besides serving as great decorative pieces of nature, climbers also have multitude of functional uses in small space gardens. Let’s go through some of the ways you could use these miracles of nature to up the lush levels of your garden.

climber plants

Soften Hardscapes

Just like we use wallpaper in our interior designs, the same way we can use climbers plants to decorate and soften garden walls. They can be divided into free climbers and clingy climbers. Among the most commonly used free climbers is the ivy, which uses aerial roots for self-attaching. The clingy ones need some kind of an exterior support to cling to, such as a trellis, and one of the most popular options out of these is certainly the clematis. Pyracantha is also among the most commonly used wall shrubs as it is evergreen and blooms in white flowers in late spring which later on turn into sparkling berries. To achieve a softer look, interplant evergreen wall shrubs with climbers like a summer-flowering clematis or a canary creeper, for instance. Beware though, if you have set your heart on planting a climber + a shrub combination, make sure that the climber is not too vigorous so that it does not overwhelm the shrub.

Conceal Unsightly Surfaces

Climbers can act as a form of a mask as they can easily soften unattractive walls, garages and outbuildings under a cover of greenery. Their huge diversity enables you to incorporate them in your own way which will reflect your style. One of the latest trends related to climbers plants in gardening, is installing a living wall. These are panels of plants that are grown vertically with the help of hydroponics, on structures that are either attached to walls or are free-standing. They are also widely known as ecowalls, green walls and vertical gardens.

Space Savers

It is no news that plants brighten up boundaries and make them appear a bit more interesting. Nevertheless, as small gardens do not have much space for planting multiple bushes or hedges, wall climbers plants are great savers as they climb vertically and will not protrude into the yard if you regularly prune them. This way you will have more space for your outdoor furniture and other garden accessories.