The Ideal Best Friend Tag Questions to Ask to Have a Blast

Best friends usually think they know everything about each other, but what if it turns out that your best friend holds something back? What if there are many truths and secrets you never knew about the person you call “my best friend”? I am not the one to break that down to you, but I would certainly like to challenge you and your friendship with your best friend to a game of best friend tag questions. This game explores the depths of your friendship and examines if you two are really blessed to have each other.

Best Friend Tag Questions

Best friend tag questions is a trending game among teenagers and young adults, as it provides a barrel of fun. No matter how much you think you know your best friend, there is always something that a game of best friend questions can reveal. Whether small or big, there is always some distance we all try to establish between ourselves and our friends. But since best friend challenge questions can be of all kinds, I am not quite sure if you’ll be able to keep that distance safe.

Friendship tag questions have the potential not only to evaluate your friendship, but also to strengthen it and get it on the highest level it has ever been. The game is simple: you and your best friend ask each other personal questions and you need to answer truthfully and sincerely. Lying is a sort of poison that could ruin your friendship, but you already know that. Now, all you need is a few ideal best friend tag questions that promise to get you closer to each other in the most entertaining way possible. So, here you go:

How did we meet?

This is a simple question and it can tell how much your best friend values your treasured memories. The first meeting is always special, no matter how long has it been since then. Maybe at first you didn’t hit it off, but still, it is a day you should always remember.

Do you remember my first crush?

Not everyone in your life is privileged to know such details from your earliest romantic efforts, but your best friend surely is. Ask your friend if he\she remembers your first crush and find out how much he\she truly cherishes your memories.

What is the one thing that annoys you most?

That old neighbor who talks a lot anytime they see you, the dysfunctional keyboard on your laptop that cannot be replaced, those stupid game requests you get on Facebook… there is always little something that drives you up to the wall. By knowing what annoys your best friend most, you can make their life a bigger misery. That’s what friends are for, right?

What is your favorite memory from our friendship?

Your best friend’s favorite memory of your friendship can tell a lot. If he\she finds some memory in which you were embarrassed or humiliated, you should re-evaluate your friendship. But if the moment you met or the moment you went out for the first time is his\her favorite memory of the plethora of memories you have, that’s a friend for life.

What is your dream job?

There are times in life we think that it is all about having fun, hanging around and relaxing. But life is so much more than that. In order to be fully satisfied with your life, you should have your dream job, or at least, you should be working hard in the pursuit of finding it. Having the support of your best friend is definitely a big boost to your pursuit.