The ideal Mail promotion

The ideal Mail promotion

Have you ever seen a mailman and thought to yourself: does this job still exist? Yes, it does and it will. E-mail may have become the first option for business communication for many, but regular mail still plays a vital role in company’s overall success. Considering that mail services are still used to send important and top secret documents, it is easy to say that e-mail will hardly ever replace mail offices. Hence, mail services are still being used as part of marketing campaign for majority of companies. This is not something new, because bulk mail was one of the first direct marketing tools used by successful agencies in the 1960’s. Yet, new marketing channels like the internet and digital media have changed a lot the way how companies promote themselves, leaving older methods behind them. But some companies take advantage of this situation and put bulk mail service in the heart of their marketing strategy to achieve greater success.

Bulk mail services can be very effective in acquiring new and retaining old customers. Because we are talking about actual mail that arrives at real addresses, bulk mailing may be referred to as one of the best direct marketing tools. If most commercial e-mails are transferred to the spam segment, real mail must be opened and read before a recipient decides what to do with it. Therefore, your message will surely be delivered to targeted customers.

Trustworthy and reliant – those are two additional advantages bulk mail provides. Compared to their digital counterpart (e-mail), mail services have real mailing lists which are updated on a regular basis. On the other hand, e-mailing lists can be obtained from many sites which gather e-mails through intense subscription campaigns and sell those e-mail lists to other online companies for marketing purposes. However, there is a big difference between e-mails and physical mail addresses in the authenticity of their details such as name, street, phone number, etc.

Additional motivation in using bulk mail service for marketing campaigns is the low price. Bulk mail services are usually offered by post offices along with other finishing services like packing, plastic wrapping, etc. All these create one product package offered for one price that can be tailored according to different company’s needs. Mail marketing may not be effective in all industries, but because it is a simple and proven method, it can fit in any marketing strategy to some extent.

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