The ideal way to treat hair loss

horror-of-all-times-hair-lossOne of the greatest threats to one’s self confidence is hair loss. As is for men, hair loss in women can be devastating for woman’s confidence and the way she perceives herself. If we consider how sensitive women are about their hair, it is hard to even imagine how they feel about this condition which is why many suffer in silence. This doesn’t mean that men just wake up and accept that they are going to be completely bald one day. On the contrary, men can be as devastated as women are. Both men and women who experience hair loss seek ways to treat this condition, although not many of recent therapies have proven successful in all cases. One thing is certain – the earlier you start with treatments, the bigger chances are to stop hair loss. As for reasons why hair loss occurs, the most common one is a strong generic component that can be inherited equally from mother or father. But is there and what is the ideal way of treating hair loss in women and men?

We’ll start with some natural ways of treating hair loss as these are considered safest. Natural oils for instance, are proven to work in some cases. Olive, coconut or canola oils are heated and massaged gently into scalp area. Once applied, you should wear a shower cap and leave it on for an hour.

Another natural hair loss treatment is increasing the intake of antioxidants. The most popular one found in green tea. So, in the same manner as essential oils, green tea can be applied to your scalp and then rinsed an hour later. To make things clear, green tea contains lots of antioxidants that boost hair growth.

Apart from many natural treatments, some alternative options have proven to be more successful. One of these is quite simple and at the same time complex to perform – hair replacement or hair transplant(. This is a process where hair pieces from hairy parts of your scalp are surgically removed and transplanted to balding areas. Because there are threats of skin infection, this operation is very expensive but effective as well.

If you cannot afford a hair transplant operation, there are thousands of lotions and medicines that are available. The biggest problem with these products is that they have become so commercialized – you cannot tell which will be best suitable for your hair loss type and will it actually prevent loosing additional hair.

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