The Most Popular Supplements – Which Ones Are Ideal for You?
Anyone who has set a fitness goal for themselves and works hard towards it while following a nutrition plan knows how important supplements are to reach their goals faster. The world of supplements is still relatively new, and the results supplements provide can vary from person to person. Scientists also have mixed reviews on many supplements, and the fact that most research is focused on professional or highly trained athletes means that you should expect slightly different results.
However, any healthy person who doesn’t have kidney, heart or liver issues can definitely benefit from taking some supplements, without worrying about side effects. It’s still highly recommended that you talk to a doctor, even if the ones you take are completely natural, just in case you take medication or have a condition that the supplement can affect. If you’re perfectly healthy and are considering browsing through some online supplement shops to get some help in reaching your fitness goals, here are some options you should consider.
Caffeine Supplements
Most people drink coffee in the morning to give themselves a boost of energy, so why not do it before you hit the gym as well? Taking caffeine supplements half an hour before going to the gym can improve your endurance. Many studies show that caffeine can provide performance improvements in endurance-type workouts. In some research, caffeine was also shown to improve the athlete’s speed, while in others, it just helped them last longer before fatiguing. Some studies show that caffeine can curb soreness after exercising. You can get caffeine from many energy drinks, sprays, sports gels, chewing gums, etc. Keep in mind that each product has different recommended doses, so read the label carefully before taking it. The recommended daily intake of caffeine is around 300mg, and it shouldn’t be taken late into the day as to not disrupt your sleeping schedule.
Creatine Supplements
One of the most frequently used supplements for weight lifting and sprinting is creatine. Creatine monohydrate is beneficial for people who perform repeated short bouts of intense exercises. Your body produces creatine naturally, which your muscles use when performing high-intensity exercises. When you do multiple reps, you use up your natural stores, and that’s when supplementation can come in very handy. Some natural ways to get creatine besides getting it from supplement shops is through eating pork and beef. If you already eat a decent amount of pork and beef, you won’t notice much of a difference from taking supplements. Creatine is considered perfectly safe for healthy people, and the recommended dosage is 20g for the first week in order to load up your muscles, and then dropping to the maintenance dose of 2g per day.
BCAA Supplements
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are three amino acids that muscles use for energy, and they can be consumed as gels, powders and tablets to spur muscle growth. When you exercise, your muscles grow, but first, they break down. When the tissue rebuilds, it becomes bigger. Studies show that BCAAs reduce muscle breakdown. That being said, if you have to lose muscle before you can build it, BCAAs reduce the amount you lose before you start building. As beneficial as these supplements can be, you shouldn’t expect dramatic results from taking them alone. However, they’re far from harmful, and when combined with whey protein can hasten the muscle-building process.
Whey Protein Supplements
Just like BCAAs, many athletes consume whey protein generally in the form of a protein shake after their workouts, in order to boost muscle growth and curb damage. There’s a window of about half an hour after exercising when you can take whey protein to promote the growth of lean muscle mass. Studies show that consuming protein after exercising helps reduce muscle damage. Whey protein is best for people who do resistance exercises, like weight training. And you don’t have to take the nutrient from a supplement, as a high-protein meal after your workout will do the job as well. But taking whey protein on top of a high-protein meal will give you an extra boost. The ideal protein dosage will depend on your weight and fitness goals. You can check out your recommended dose by using an online calculator.
Beta-Alanine Supplements
When you perform short bouts of exercise at high intensity your muscles produce lactic acid, which is responsible for making you feel the burn. Athletes take beta-alanine supplements in powder or capsule form to curb the burn so that they can keep pushing through their workout. Runners and cyclists who have taken beta-alanine supplements for about four weeks have shown noticeable improvements. Beta-alanine doesn’t seem to benefit other people, but there’s no harm in implementing them into your nutrition, as they’re perfectly safe to use.