3 Important Decisions You’ll Need to Make When Picking the Ideal RC Car

Finding the ideal RC car to play around and race with requires a lot of careful consideration and great understanding of the RC world and all it has to offer. If this is your first time buying an RC car and you’re just looking to test the waters, then all the choices you’ll have to make can make the buying process much more complicated than it needs to be. That being said, in order to simplify it, there are a couple of important factors you need to consider to get the ideal model that will have you hooked onto the hobby for years to come.

DIY Vs. Pre-Assembled Kit

This is one of the never-ending debates in the RC world. Do you opt for a DIY or a ready-to-run RC car? Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. So for instance, if you’re into technology and mechanics, you may find assembling your own RC vehicle very rewarding, and you may learn a ton in the process. On the down-side, if you lack the knowledge, it can be a time-consuming and overwhelming process. Ready-to-run vehicles are just what their name implies – all you have to do is put the batteries on and you’re ready to go.

2WD vs 4WD

2WD RC cars are much more difficult to control, especially when driving them at fast speeds. However, once you get the hang of 2WD RC cars, you’re going to become a much better driver, since you’ll have to put more effort into learning how to operate them with precision. Furthermore, 2WD cars are more affordable, due to the fact that they have simpler technology and fewer moving parts.

rc car

4WD RC cars are much easier to drive, and they provide more accuracy and preciseness in terms of control. They’ll go in the direction you want them to go since all the tyres are pulling the car at once. This makes them more reliable, especially when driving in rough terrain. However, as a result – they’re more complex and more expensive.

Electric Vs. Nitro Motors

Another never-ending debate in the RC world. Experienced RC drivers will tell you that nitro-powered motors are the way to go just because they provide a more realistic experience, with smoke and roar of engines. On the other hand, electric cars are more practical for most people. They’re more economical in the long run, produce far less noise, and are a lot simpler to operate.