Why Everyone Should be Pro Anti Slip Tape in the Workplace

anti slip stair tape

Regardless of the workplace, safety should always be number one consideration. If you are an employer and risk the lives of your employees because you are not using the basic safety measures, you are also risking the reputation and the profits of your company. If you, on the other hand, provide your workers with a safe and healthy environment they will stay more focused on their work which in turn will bring about increased productivity. Creating a safer working environment requires effort and money but it is worth for every spent hour and dollar. For example, factories tend to be dusty, wet, slippery, caustic and these are the things that render them dangerous places. In places like this, increased safety can sometimes come from small things such as an anti-slip tape.

Anti-slip tapes or also known as traction tapes increase the friction between the surface of the ground and the shoes of the worker thus preventing slipping. You can find an anti slip stair tape in different widths, textures, shapes and colours and you can apply it to almost any surface. Maybe this tape is not the most decorative item you can use for improved safety in the workplace but is definitely the most durable one making it a common choice for places with a lot of stairs, like schools. Aside from schools and public places, there are many other locations where the use of traction tape can be beneficial.

anti slip resistant tape

Stairs are first and the most common place where an anti slip stair tape should be installed. This is the place where slipping, tripping and falling can easily happen and result in very serious injuries. Installing a traction tape on each step will save the day and prevent workers from slipping. This is especially important if your workers do not wear special shoes and instead, they wear casual models that do not have much traction on the bottom.

Building entrances can be really dangerous places too. Once the weather is snowy or rainy, a good amount of water (enough to make problems) can easily enter the building from people’s shoes. This will make the entrance a slippery area which can lead to a lot of falls and serious injuries. Adding a traction tape can prevent workers and visitors from slipping on such days.

Loading docks are another high traffic locations where workers are exposed to different elements. These are areas of the building where shipments and trucks enter and leave during the whole day and where many workers load and unload different goods. Humid weather can easily make these areas extremely hazardous and slippery. Installing anti-slip tape on the ramps or ledges in the loading docks is a worthy investment that can improve safety and performance in these work areas.

Manufacturing floors also come with a dose of danger. Depending on what is being manufactured in the facility, some of them can be more slippery than other. However, safety managers should determinate the problematic spots in the facility and use a bit of traction tape to reduce the risk of falls. The material of the floor also plays an important role. For example, a floor made of tiles is more slippery compared to a floor made of concrete.