What Makes Isolated Toroidal Transformers the Ideal Portable Transformers


If you’re in need of a compact and lightweight transformer that you can take with you wherever you go, then you’re probably looking for an isolated toroidal transformer. Nowadays, isolated toroidal transformers are making a breakthrough in the transformer market. But size and weight aren’t the only advantages that make isolated step down or step up transformers the ideal solution. In fact, there’s more to them than meets the eye. Without further ado, here are the 5 benefits that make isolated toroidal transformers ideal for a wide range of applications.

Small, Light and Portable

As aforementioned, isolated step down or step up transformers are lightweight and compact, which means they are highly portable. Their windings are designed symmetrically across the entire core, thus making their wire length quite short. Additionally, their mechanical geometry and cabinets are simplified when compared to conventional transformers. All of this makes them suitable for most electronic and electrical products today.

Low Stray Magnetic Field

Isolated toroidal transformers emit low amounts of radiated electromagnetic fields when compared to conventional transformers. It’s estimated that they emit 8 times less electromagnetic fields, which is about 80-90% of conventional transformers. This means that they don’t require any special type of shielding for most applications, making them ideal for sensitive electronic systems like medical equipment, low-level amplifiers, etc.

Low Noise Levels

Due to the fact that the isolated toroidal transformer’s core is wrapped in uniform windings, there are no air gaps and loose sheets that vibrate. As a result, these transformers don’t emit disturbing hums that conventional transformers do. That being said, toroidal transformers operate very quietly, making them ideal for use in places where hum sounds aren’t acceptable, such as medical facilities.

Extremely Energy Efficient

The symmetrically distributed windings over the whole core circumference, plus the high-quality grain-oriented steel that’s used in all areas of the core make toroidal transformers extremely energy-efficient. The windings reduce the length of copper wire per turn, while the steel allows the core to operate at around 15 kilogauss, resulting in significant energy savings.

Easily Mountable

Due to the fact that they are compact and lightweight, these transformers need a single screw to be mounted, while conventional transformers require four or more. There are several different mounting methods you can use to mount them, including PCB mounting, pressureless mounting plates, resin-center potting with brass inserts and complete encapsulation in metal or plastic housings.