Guitars: The Ideal Means for Fun and Learning for Children

Music is art that has a huge impact on culture, our moods, social skills, reasoning skills, brain health and function, basically we might as well say it’s art with plenty of benefits .

All of these benefits are increased when we actually play music, and knowing how fast children learn, having a mind as absorbing as a sponge, childhood is the perfect period to get involved in music.

electric guitar for child

And what better way to start than with a guitar. There’s the right type of acoustic and electric guitar for child, that can be just as much of a toy as learning means, ideal for playtime – yes, learning can be fun too!

Available in different colours and designs, children’s guitars are as good as actual guitars and better yet, some of them come with flashcards, chord diagrams, as well as apps further useful with the learning, so they are quite the investment.

Before you choose either acoustic or electric guitar for child, make sure you consult your guitarist to be because getting the wrong one could guarantee tantrums, and lack of interest in playing.

While playing the guitar can be fun, it takes some time to get used to it, but as soon as your child does, you can expect for great results. It can be challenging, but also rewarding, and rewards can be motivation enough to learn how to play songs with no mistakes.

Even if your child doesn’t get to be a successful musician, playing the guitar still is a great hobby to have, and when you have this hobby, you don’t have as much time to waste with electronic devices.

If you need convincing, just remember playing the guitar provides your child with cognitive benefits, like improving concentration and memory through creating chord shapes, and reading guitar tabs, as well as improving the listening, hand-eye coordination, and sight-reading skills – motor skills in general.

As a result, there’s also a rewiring of the brain, making it possible to easily handle multi-tasking. It’s needless to say there’s a boost in creativity (e.g. creating own songs, or improvising others), self-esteem, and great news is, having the ability to practice guitar chords and scales is sure to help with the math and English skills (reading comprehension).

You have to admit, what seems like fun and is in fact disguised learning, is the ideal activity for your child. You can be sure on being proud of your parenting when you cheer for your child’s guitar talents.