Light Your Night Right – How to Find the Ideal LED Flashlight

If you’re an outdoor enthusiast who is always up for a new adventure whether it’s camping, night hunting, mountain biking after dusk, or cave exploration it’s important to be fully prepared. Camping will require a warm sleeping bag and a strong tent, hunting – the proper weaponry and so on, but all of these different activities have one thing in common – the need for a proper lighting source. Whenever the dark sneaks up on you while you’re out in nature, an LED flashlight will guide your way and keep you safe. But like with all devices the choice is large, so the question is how can you find the ideal flashlight for you?

Led Flashlights Australia

The Ideal Beam Distance

Today, the most advanced types of flashlights all feature LED bulbs. And searching through the vast offer on LED flashlights Australia wide, you’ll come across many different lumen values. Normally, one would think the brighter the better, but different purposes call for different luminosity levels. The basic type of LED flashlights Australia stores offer come at a range of 20 – 150 lumens. These devices have a beam distance up to 100 meters and are good for general purposes such as finding your keys or walking your dog.

And then, there are the models you will perhaps be most interested in as an outdoor junky. Torches with a lumen output of 160 – 500 have a beam around 250 meters and are perfect for guiding your way around the woods while camping or night hiking. But that’s not all. There are some extremely powerful options offering a beam of up to 1000 lumens. And this is where it gets fun – with such a luminous tool you get to reach distances of over 300 metres, making it perfect for extreme sports, hunting, cave exploration and diving.

The Ideal Battery Type

Different flashlights are designed to be compatible with different types of batteries. Therefore, the battery should also influence your decision. Flashlights running on alkaline batteries might be cheaper, but these low-grade batteries aren’t powerful enough to offer a lot of runtime. On the other hand, disposable lithium batteries have a longer lifetime but purchasing them can cost a little bit more.

But when top quality LED flashlights are concerned, nothing beats rechargeable Lithium-ion batteries. They are the most durable choice because they give you the option to recharge them whenever needed, which means that your flashlight will never run out of power. Just think about all the money you’ll save on batteries. Because they are not disposable, these batteries are also environmentally friendly.