Time Card Tabulator 2 – The Ideal Calculator for Business Owners

Timecard calculator Tabulator 2 is utilized to create a time sheet or a time card for labour hours. This calculator is mainly used by employers in order to track down the work hours of their employees. Timecard calculators perform all these actions with minimum effort required by the user.

It is a very useful tool to have, so let’s take a look at some of its features and specifications.

  • The Timecard Calculator Tabulator 2 has an In and Out option used for time specifications which is ideal for lunch breaks and similar needs. Its LCD screen is easy to read and this calculator also features a protective case.
  • This device also comprises a built-in stopwatch, alarm and timer. The time formats available can be adjusted to suit your personal needs. For instance, you can have a 12 or 24 time format, according to your payroll necessities. It can also compute the complete amount of hours and the total pay. For the calculator to be able to work properly, a 3-volt battery is needed.



  • The amazing Timecard Calculator Tabulator 2 will surely meet your expectations fully, as by using it, you will be able to simplify your daily duties regarding administration. New and inexperienced users of timecard calculators even report a feeling of overwhelming possibilities. However, after a while, by following the instructions and with consistent practice, everyone realizes that this item is a must-have for all business owners.
  • This calculator is so versatile and time-saving that users instantly start feeling that going back to the previous routine simply seems improbable. It is especially useful when no computer system is utilized for the preparation of the payrolls or the timecard tabulation. It can also come in very handy for bookkeepers of small businesses. The breaks, the rounding, the 12 versus 24 hour format can be assessed through the built-in keys for preference.
  • For those who are not business owners and employers, but are still interested to see how exactly such device would suit them so that they can calculate their own working hours, there is the option for an online timecard calculator. An important step of precaution when using online timecard calculator, is to keep it bugs free so that the calculation of work hours does not get compromised. Usually, when it comes to detecting and preventing bugs, the user should contact the creator for further specific instructions.

If you are considering to significantly facilitate the flow of math calculation and purchase a timecard calculator, consult before you make the purchase as that will help you choose the right brand. Moreover, read the specifications to designate whether it comprises everything mentioned above, and possibly, find reviews from other users to ensure you are dealing with a reputable company.