Here Are The Ideal Superfoods To Eat While Breastfeeding

If you are a new mom, you are probably concerned whether your are eating the right food to provide your baby with all the necessary nutritional ingredients through your milk. Many experts say that when you are nursing your baby, the quality of your breast milk stays pretty much the same, regardless of what you eat.


But, there is a catch. When you don’t consume enough vitamins and minerals from your diet, your body will provide them from its own stores or reserves. This is dangerous because it can affect your strength and stamina, making you feel exhausted and without energy. That’s why you need to include more vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

However, when you are pregnant, cooking seems like a difficult task. Don’t worry, your don’t have to prepare complete meals to get all the nutrients you need. The following nutritional superfoods are quick and convenient.

Oatmeal is a completely natural whole grain, high-fiber food that will satisfy your hunger after breakfast and may even increase your milk supply. In addition, oats are rich with iron. Iron-deficiency anemia is a very common health problem that can affect your milk quality.


Almonds are not just loaded with protein, but they are also a good non-dairy source of calcium. You need to take around 1000 mg of calcium per day, since the milk you make needs to be rich with calcium.

Apricots contain many essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. By including more apricots in your diet, you can increase the level of prolactin – the hormone that stimulates your body to produce milk.


Salmon is a tasty and fatty fish; a perfect meal for every breastfeeding mom. It is not only high in protein, but also contains big amounts of DHA – a type of fat which is essential for the development of your baby’s nervous system.

Yogurt goes well with any type of meal, and should be consumed on a daily basis because it is loaded with protein and calcium.

Beans are good for the digestive system, and they are amazing sources of iron and protein. And although they might make a little mess in your stomach after eating, they are good for your milk.

Spinach is rich with calcium, and is a super versatile food that can be consumed as a fresh salad, sauteed as a side dish, added into a lasagna or any other favourite meal.

Dates are rich in calcium and naturally sweet, and are perfect with your morning oatmeal. Like the apricots, the dates can increase your milk supply.


Sesame seeds are loaded with calcium and they are also a good source of fiber, iron and magnesium. You can add them into a salad, veggies, green beans, etc.

Brown rice is a better choice because it contains fiber and other nutrients, and it keeps your blood sugar at normal level. Avoid the white rice and stick with the brown one.