Goodbye Sugar: Try These Ideal Natural Sugar Substitutes

Sugar has become one of the most criticized and unwanted ingredients in the modern diet. You don’t have to be a scientist nowadays to know that sugar is the worst thing you can add to your food or drink. You will only get a short-lasting energy boost that in return will make your mouth a pleasant place for bacteria, thus inevitably damage your teeth and have an impact on insulin levels and your overall health, without providing you with one nutrient.

But giving up sugar is a mission impossible for many (especially for sugar junkies). Luckily, we’ve learned that we don’t have to give up the sweet sugary sensation, we just need to change its source. However, we need to be careful not to rush towards the low-calorie sweeteners, the majority of which are packed with dozens of artificial ingredients. There are several amazing, sugar substitutes natural that will benefit your health and leave your taste buds satisfied as well.

  • Stevia – The wondrous sweet leaf that you’ll learn to love for it loves your body back! It is a green, leafy plant that comes from South America and it won’t alter your waistline or damage your health, while being even sweeter than sugar.



Studies has shown that stevia can lower high blood pressure and be of great use for people with diabetes. If you have time on your hands, you can make your own liquid stevia extract at home. If however, you, as most other people, don’t usually dive into the do-it-yourself sections, you can always buy a natural, pure stevia liquid extract and enjoy this healthy sweetener that nature has brought to the existence.

  • Xylitol – Not only is this one of those sugar substitutes natural that is harmless for your teeth, but it is found that it is even recomendable to use it for better dental care. It is also perfectly safe for people with diabetes, and has significantly less calories and carbohydrates than refined sugar.



Xylitol was discovered back in the 19th century and it is a naturally occurring substance that can be extraced from various natural sources, but the most oftenly used source are birch trees.

  • Agave – Agave nectar originates from the agave plant that is native to Mexico and it’s been used by the locals for many centuries. This is another sugar subtitutes natural that is also good for our blood presure, although it is somewhat richer in calories than stevia and xylitol. It can provide your body with vitamins, such as C, D, and it’s also rich in magnesuim, iron and calcium.


Finally, you don’t have to break the sweet habit in order to break free from sugar’s damaging side effects. Choose your favorite natural sugar substitute and enjoy.