Here’s The Ideal New Male Pattern Baldness Cure

Male pattern baldness is most common form of hair loss every single man fears. It affects 70% of males during their lifetime and can occur in their early 20s. As any other type of hair loss, pattern baldness can cause profound emotional and psychological effects in those experiencing it. And although many re willing to try anything and everything to avoid it, this condition can’t be prevented.

With this said, the biggest question among men is: Can male pattern baldness be cured with advertised products or is there a new male pattern baldness cure that needs to be developed that will really provide comfort to those suffering from this condition? The answer is: It depends. This is because not every treatment works for everyone. The effectiveness of a male pattern baldness treatment usually depends on what’s causing hair to fall out. Reason why men lose hair include:

  • Poor diet
  • Chemicals
  • Medication
  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Genetic inheritance

In some cases, the cause of the male pattern baldness can be a combination of one or more factors. What’s important is to never try a product or treatment without consulting with a dermatologist first. Knowing the root of the problem is very important in ensuring proper treatment that will deliver desired results. Once the cause has been diagnosed, dermatologist will recommend proper treatment.


And as we’ve said it already, there are many treatments available, both surgical and non-surgical. Surgical solution is not for everyone, though. Same applies to pills such as minoxidil and finasteride. But there is a new male pattern baldness cure suitable for almost all men – scalp micropigmentation. This is a non-surgical, scar and drug free hair loss treatment. The procedure, otherwise known as scalp tattooing, involves the application of natural pigments at scalp (epidermal layer) to replicate the appearance of a shaved head.

The treatment commonly requires a minimum of 3 sessions, and the process allows a very gradual rejuvenation of the hairline. Unlike traditional tattooing, scalp micropgmentation os less painful and uses laser application, to ensure that pigments do not go as deep into the skin. Although the final result is not a real hair but a shaved head look, the results are practically immediate. You may not believe, but even just after the first section, you will be able to see the difference. And the best part is, this new male pattern baldness cure is suitable for all types of male pattern baldness and also for all stages, all ages, skin colours and types.