Plush Toys Are Ideal To Help Babies With Their Early Development

Do you know that the cuddly plush toy that your baby holds at all times can actually boost her/his social skills and promote imaginative play? Yes, the stuffed animals are perfect for the child’s early development. They help little children to become more independent from their moms. What makes the plush toys so popular? First, they are stuffed with soft material, and second because they are safe to play with. No matter how safe these toys are, still parents need to be aware of the small plastic pieces that come with the plush toys. Furthermore, you need to buy plush toy which are appropriate for your child’s age.


Newborn to 3 Months – Babies don’t have control over their movements in the first eight weeks. Therefore, it would be nice to buy plush toys that can be hanged on a place that is not easily reachable. Look for a plush toy that makes noise or blinks with lights to get your baby’s attention. Just don’t allow your baby to hold or hug the plush toy without your surveillance. Don’t buy stuffed animals that come with long fur or eyes made of buttons, just in case to avoid choking dangerous.

3 to 6 Months – During these months babies start to use their hands and have greater control over them. They want to grab and grip anything they see around. Be careful when choosing a plush toy for your 3- 6 month old baby. Avoid stuffed toys that come with parts that can be removed and swallowed. At this age, babies become more aware of their surroundings and become more interested about their body parts.

6 to 9 Months – As babies grow older, they become more attached to their plush toys. They become more active and want to play with their stuffed friends all day long. At this age, stuffed animals play an important role for proper development. Babies develop social and language skills by simply talking to these toys. They even self-soothe when they are sad.

9 to 12 Months – 12 month old babies are more mobile and can push their plush toy around. They are not too stable to stand on their own, but they will definitely want to grab the plush toy and carry around. Try to choose toys that are not too heavy and not too light.